Youth and Socialization

1. Internalization of Learning and Specialization


Definition of Youth

     As we know that youth or young people are concepts that have always been associated with value problem. In society, youth is one identity as a potential successor to the ideals of national struggle and human resources for national building because youth as a hope of nation means that whose controls the youth will controls the future.

Definition of Socialization

     Socialization is a process of planting or transfer of habits or values and rules from one generation to another in a group or society. Some sociologists call socialization as a theory about the role (role theory). Because in the process of socialization taught the roles to be performed by the individual.

Socialization Process
  • Stage preparation (Preparatory Stage)
This stage suffered since humans born, when a child is preparing to recognize their social world, including to gain an understanding of ourselves. At this stage children begin to imitate activities, though not perfect.
  • Mimic-stage (Stage Play)
This stage indicated by increasingly perfect a child imitate the roles performed by adults. At this stage begin to form an awareness of self name and the name of his parents, his sister, and so on. Children begin to realize what a mother and what is expected of a mother of a child. In other words, the ability to put yourself in someone else also began to take shape at this stage. The realization that the human social world contains a lot of people have begun to form. Most of these people are those that are considered important for the formation and survival of themselves, i.e where children absorb the norms and values. For a child, these people were called the people who really count (Significant other).
  • Ready-stage act (Game Stage)
Impersonation performed already started to decreased and be replaced by a direct role played by himself with full consciousness. His ability to put yourself in someone else was increased to allow for the ability to play together. He began to realize the demand to defend the family and to work together with his friends. At this stage the opponent interact more and increasingly complex relationship. Individuals begin to relate to peers outside the home. Regulations applicable outside the family are gradually beginning to be understood. At the same time, children begin to realize that there are certain norms that apply outside the family.

  • Stage acceptance of collective norms (Generalized Stage / Generalized other)
At this stage a person has been considered an adult. He was able to put himself in the position of the society at large. In other words, he can tolerate not only the people who interact with them but also with the wider society. An adult realize the importance of rules, the ability to work together-even with other people who are not known him- steadily. Man with self development at this stage have become citizens in the fullest sense. 

2. Youth and Identity
Problems of Youth

1. The need for an exemplary figures
2. apathetic attitude
3. anxieties and a lack of self-esteem
4. inability to be involved
5. The feeling of helplessness
6. the worship of experience

Potentials of Young Generation

Potentials found in young generation to be developed are as follows:

> Idealism and Critical Power
> Dynamics and Creativity
> Courage Taking Risks
> Optimistic and spirit
> Independence and Discipline Pure Attitude
> Educated
> Diversity in Unity
> Patriotism and Nationalism
> Ability Mastery of Science and Technology

The Goals of Socialization

Socialization has goals:

a. Provide skills to someone to be able live in a society
b. Develop the ability to communicate effectively
c. Helps to control the functions of organic learned through the right introspective.
d. Getting used to behave in accordance with the values and fundamental beliefs that exist in society.

3. Education
Definition of Education and College

Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process that learners are actively developing the potential for himself to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him and society.

Members of the family have the most profound teaching role - often more profound than they realize - though family members teach unofficially.
  • Elementary education
Elementary education is the education level early for 9 (nine) the first year of school children that underlies secondary education.
  • Secondary education
Secondary education is education after elementary education.
  • Higher education
Higher education is education after secondary education includes undergraduate, master, doctorate, and specialist organized by the college.

     The college is a unit of education higher education providers. College learners called students, while teachers college called lecturers.
        By type college is divided into two:

1. The state universities, management and regulations made by the State.

2. The private universities, is a college that is done by the management and regulation of private.

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